Sunday, November 9, 2008

Another shot

I'm going to try out this blogging thing again and see how it works out. I have more time to focus on building good posts and doing some writing, and there are some more interesting things going on in my life right now, so with any luck it'll last a big longer than the last one.
My goal is to write a bit about media ethics and topics in the industry, and to post about what life is like as my husband prepares to go to Afghanistan. It's going to be nothing like what it's like for military families who know they're facing the front lines, but I hope it'll be a bit of a peek into something that most families with loved ones in Afghanistan don't talk about publicly. It will also, of course, be a place where I debate with myself, as any good Libra does on a regular basis.
Comments, questions and suggestions are welcome.


Anonymous said...

You're back! Yay.

Laura Payton said...

Um, how did you find me so fast? I was surprised to see your comment!

Anonymous said...

Haha. I'm not really that creepy (checking your blog every hour of the day), I just have your blog set up through RSS.

Anonymous said...

I'm soo glad you're back to blogging. I've bookmarked it on my fave toolbar and will be checking it every morn.