Thursday, December 18, 2008


I realized last night that freelancing and I have my passed our two-month anniversary. And we're still madly in love with each other. You know what I don't miss at all? My blackberry. I was convinced I would have a hard time parting with it, but I realized last night that I haven't even thought of it in about six weeks. I sort of forgot that I had had one for a full year. Text messaging pretty much takes care of whatever I needed the berry for before.

In other news, I've been testing out a new medium this week. I think it's good for the brain to keep switching back and forth between media - there are variations in style - but I'm writing a print article right now and I keep reading my article aloud when I try to edit it. Like, without even thinking about it. I just start going over it and my lips start moving and I'm reading it like a script.* I'll have to watch that if I ever get back to an actual print newsroom.

*You non-journos should know that a broadcast newsroom near deadline always has a bunch of people in cubicles talking to themselves as they read their own scripts. Your ear will pick up phrases that don't work when your eyes won't. It doesn't happen nearly as much in print because consumers are reading it to themselves too - but in radio or tv they're hearing it, so you have to hear it first to make sure it works.

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