Monday, December 15, 2008

Could be worse

I have had A DAY. Ugh. Briefly, I slept terribly, got up early and got to an office for the first time in a while (that wasn't bad at all, other than my case of nerves). But it sort of went downhill from there, culminating in me booking a bad guest (which, really, probably makes the host's day worse than mine), then coming home to my tax re-assessment (upwards) and dropping a box of pasta all over the kitchen floor. ARGH.

But it could be worse. I have a cat, who is forced to give me affection in return for food, a glass of wine, and an invitation to go to a friend's place tonight.

"Le Chat," I said to the cat. "Meow" she said, (which probably means "why haven't you fed me yet!?!" but which I took to be an expectant "yes, human goddess who I love and respect?"). "Le Chat, here's to us, and to the day improving." Then she looked at me and blinked. Yes, it could always be worse.

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