Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inaugural discussion points

There are many people far smarter than me who will speak eloquently about the significance of today's inauguration. But I am comfortable in at least one area: inaugural fashion.

1. That's a lot of mustard yellow on a very tall woman. I much preferred Michelle Obama's election night outfit, although I appreciate that today's outfit looks much more first lady-like. My favourite part of today's outfit though are the olive-green gloves and shoes. VERY nice accessory in a great contrasting colour. The lack of a bag so far makes me wonder who's carrying around her lipstick though. The new president: always well-dressed, but never as interesting as his wife. I'm sure his suit is very expensive though (see, it's just harder to comment on men's fashion. The tie is fine. The coat is fine. Everything fits. He appears to be wearing a bracelet like the one President Palmer wore on 24. That's it.).

2. Malia and Sasha, aka Radiance and Rosebud, look fantastic - classy and age-appropriate.

3. The George H. W. Bushes are wearing matching purple scarves! Way to bring some fun to the inauguration. I love it. Mrs. Bush's hair is such a beautiful shade of white.

4. Aretha Franklin can wear whatever damn thing she wants.

5. If I were a first lady, there's no way anybody would call me Mrs. The woman's got degrees from ivy league schools, was VP of a major hospital, and now she's just "Mrs. Obama"? Argh.

Discuss. Michelle Obama: better dressed today or on election night?

I'm having trouble finding photos right now but will update as they're posted.

1 comment:

Gwen said...

I'm going with Michelle Obama being better dressed today. It may not be flattering but I think it's more interesting and unique. And I don't mean unique as another word for ugly.