Monday, April 6, 2009


Two things from daytime tv that made me wonder.

1. The View shows a picture of Rihanna during a segment on teen fashion (what? I like the background noise while I's weird not being in a newsroom). Chris Brown is in the photo. They do not crop him out. Fashion expert guest says "And with Chris Brown! He's such a cutie." It seems to have been a re-run (they showed a "current" cover of Seventeen that ran in March), but somebody needed to think this through a little better. The man's trial starts tomorrow. TOMORROW. BAD timing.

2. E-Talk (please refer to the above point about background noise) says Gabrielle Miller from Corner Gas adopted a child from "southern Africa". Is this a generic reference to a country in the southern part of the continent? Do they think we wouldn't recognize the name of the country itself? Did they actually mean South Africa? Why is this so hard? (no link, it's currently leading to a segment of a tv movie instead of the segment of E-Talk I want)

3. Wow, I totally forgot about this guy. I actually had to imdb him to figure out that he spent five seasons on CSI Miami. Hope he's learned to take care of his gun for 24.

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